Star-Lord True Solo Justice Deck for Galaxy's Most Wanted

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PetsOnTheRocks · 9

This deck exists for the sole purpose of Escaping the Museum, a 3rd scenario in Galaxy's Most Wanted campaign. It is meant to be played in true solo mode in standard difficulty.

There is no other way than tailoring your deck to thwart the Main Schemes as fast as you can. And even the you will have to get lucky and not pull game ending encounter cards like any minion with patrol ability. Ignore the Collector, just thwart. Allies in this deck mostly exist only to chump block. With the exception of mr. Nick Fury and Jessica Jones.

The whole point of this deck is to rush through, ignoring all other side schemes. Additional XP be damned. With this deck I was consistently able to finish the scenario by turn 3. If the game lasts longer your survival chances diminish exponentially.

My MVP with this deck is mr. Nick Fury.

For other scenarios in Galaxy's Most Wanted campaign I used this deck instead.