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Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Rush Hour (Expert Venom Goblin w/ Video) 163 140 52 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

ralias · 7

I took most of what Web-Warrior Fanatic has already described, but molded it fit my play style.

  • Few more allies to help soak - achieved by dropping two of the side schemes, cutting 1 each of Beat Cop and Chance Encounter.
  • Swapped Avengers Mansion with Moira MacTaggert due to how often we'd be flipping (a more selfish choice, I understand that Mansion allows other players to draw.)
  • Added a Float Like a Butterfly due to how often Jubilee is able to apply status effects.
  • Added two copies of Multitalented, my thought process being that after we build out, we'll be churning through our deck (hopefully), so we can get some more play with how much extra resource generation Jubilee has.