Spider-Man-draws lots 'o cards

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nickoli · 62

The conceit behind this deck is getting attacked as Spider-man as much as you can so he draws as many extra cards as he can. Get unflappable out. Desperate defense and indomitable will help him ready after defending. with this guy you want the villain the draw an encounter card to make him attack again. Nova/Quincarrier will make the villain pay for attacking you, too.

Needs to be aware of threat on the scheme. Thats why there are three To the Rescue cards. Use Nick Fury and Black Widow to help with threat.

Mulligan hard for your support cards. Especially the basic supports. With the extra resource Peter grants, its a perfect time to get those out.