Minion Hunter Hawkeye (Agression)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tuark · 127

I've been using this build a lot lately and it feels really strong.

It may not pump out the utmost damage possible but it give a lot of utility.

I put a fair number of Allies in to act as blockers, if I do need to heal I can use Earth's Mightiest Heroes to quickly get back into the game. I put in Hall of Heroes over Avengers Mansion because of card cost and burst draw. This deck does a good job of taking out minions so it feels right to me.

I included 3 Get Over Here! to help deal with Tough status cards, with his two Vibranium Arrow's that have pierce, Tough status isn't a problem.

So far I haven't felt like I've needed to make any big changes to the deck, except maybe removing Nick Fury.