She-Hulk: Chair of the Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ScarletRhodey · 375

This is my first real attempt at deck-building to maximize the Avengers trait. Would love any and all thoughts on making it better!


Jan 17, 2020 [Tom] · 438

Well, first of all: I would play 3x Avengers Mansion, and also 3x Heli Carrier. Quinjet seems nice, but you need the exact cost of the Avenger Ally; you cannot pay 2 with Quinjet and another 2 with resources. Also, you have expensive cards - Avengers Assemble, as well as Gamma Slam. Since She-Hulk only draws 4 cards, you will need the extra card/resource from Mansion/Heli-Carrier. I don't see "Make the Call" played: You play MTC AND the cost of the 3 or 4 cost Avenger; like Falcon or Hawkeye.

Jan 18, 2020 ScarletRhodey · 375

@[Tom] good thoughts! You're right about Quinjet, but even if it has more counters on it it's still a free ally! And I would likely use MTC on Wonder Man or Squirrel Girl over the more expensive ones to bring them out to do damage. You are right about the card drawing so I think I will add the Mansion or Heli-Carrior in the future. However, Strength in Numbers will give you extra cards if you're willing to exhaust some allies.

Jan 30, 2020 chainsawash · 1

I feel like a Leadership She-Hulk deck would love Morale Boost. You could potentially get some big turns with She-Hulk swinging multiple times for great damage. I've been trying it out solo but it's tough, I'm always resourced starved. Her 4 hand size is brutal and she has no innate resource generation or cost reduction like every other hero (so yeah, you need those Mansions and Helicarriers). Threat removal is also a big problem in solo.

Jan 30, 2020 chainsawash · 1

Also, while I'm not sold on Quinjet in general, I do think it could have a place in a deck like this because of Hellcat. Maybe not 3x, but do like the synergy. Worth a try!