Magneto the Billionaire

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Deadwolf · 302

With a hero ability that gives him a card as well as in kit resource cards, Magneto is a rich hero. But what makes him up there as the richest heroes in the game is his Alter-Ego ability which allows him to shuffle resources back into your deck.

This deck builds a powerful board of basic allies and supports powered by his numerous resource cards that he can then reuse by shuffling them back into deck.

Sonic Rifles help assist the gameplan of flipping every turn.

Options: The biggest card I have gone back and forth on is Cerebro. I cut it because the deck is already large, and while i have some Psionics, its not guaranteed. In solo, I would replace Moira with it.

This deck is configured for 2 players, but in solo, a Skilled Investigator and possible Overwatches can be cut (but it is still a powerful card).