Don't Pet the Kitty 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scrapnoid · 8

Goal: This BP wins by punishing attacks against him to such a degree that the villain kills him/herself overtime. You rarely take damage once set up, but welcome it at times just to give Vibranium Suit something to do.

Science: All villains (up to Kang) easily solo-able on standard and with more difficult modules. Multiplayer great. Expert tested with most villains. PSA: Norman Osborn is a bit of a slog, so bathroom and get comfortable first.

Early Game: Setup your upgrades and supports with these priorities - Tactical Genius, Vibranium Suit, Electrostatic Armor, and Armored Vest. Yes there's only 1 armored vest, it's not critical right away just know you want it when you see it. Use Yourself, Shuri, and/or Black Widow to monitor threat. Defend pretty much every turn. FYI: Early Counter Punches and Pre-emptive strikes are resources. Do not hold on to them. Golden City is almost worthless in this deck, it's ok to ignore it unless you get a fortuitous hand.

Mid Game: It is highly likely you can become BP and never see T'Challa again at this point (especially if you somehow got out Avengers Mansion by now). Get the rest of your tech and start stacking Energy Barriers and Indomitables. Stall, Wakanda Forever, and watch your threat. Defend Defend Defend.

Late Game: Energy Barriers, Pre-Emptive Strikes, Counter-punches, and Wakanda Forever to your heart's content. Don't be surprised if you defend and hit the Villain back during his/her phase for 8+ damage on occasion. Get Behind Me can be useful to push the game to a close if you're set up for big counters. You're still defending. Told you not to pet the kitty.

Biggest Weakness: Controlling threat, especially side schemes. That's the only reason Black widow is even thrown in. She never chumps, she never attacks, she rarely uses her ability - she thwarts. Norman Osborn is a pain because you rarely attack directly and he doesn't attack you.