Shot Out The Airlock

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

xColdxFusionx · 18

What Could Go Wrong? A lot of things, honestly, but that's a problem for a future me.

Call For Aid and Caliban jettison the entire deck into the trash and force a reshuffle, granting access to the floating effects of cards like Digging Deep and White Fox at the cost of leaving you with an Encounter card. ...Which Star-Lord benefits from courtesy of his hero cards. Combine this with "What Could Go Wrong?" and you have the power to drop huge bombs every round. And once you've spent all your resources, eject your deck again to shuffle everything back and keep going.

Reckless? Most definitely. Stupid? Probably. Funny as hell? Absolutely.


Jan 03, 2025 andyr · 10628

There is a level of chaos that im all here for! Reckless and fun is absolutely accurate to my experience!