TurboRevvingOldPunks · 79
This deck is meant to be played with 4-Players in the Rise Of Red Skull camapign.
Upgrades Chosen
- Emergency Teleorter was used against Zola
- Recruited Moon Knight
- Thwart Upgrade
The Turbo Revving Old Punk (Matafer) completed the Rise Of Red Skull on Standard III.
Captain America (Justice) https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/45898/that-sounds-like-something-a-hydra-agent-would-say-1.0
Quicksikver (Aggression) https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/45900/gotta-go-real-fast-2.0
Spider-Woman (Leadership / Protection) https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/47022/never-skip-leg-day-rors-2.0