Maximum Carnage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

duffymw · 1

Maximum Carnage!!!

Being a huge Spiderman fan and a huge Maximum Carnage fan, I’ve been toying with this idea for awhile. This is the first deck I’ve ever built but I had a blast with this. Originally created to play a custom content Maximum Carnage scenario, I took this against Green Goblin Mutagen Formula and it slapped!

Very simple premise. Just like the game, SpiderMan and Venom team up and beat down enemies. While other allies pop in and out to help you. I’ve overlooked the Venom ally constantly due to the encounter card attached. But he can do a ton of damage, in both phases. Black Cat and Sidekick gives you constant damage and thwart. Especially with Sidearm, Reinforced Suit and Inspired, she becomes a 2-3 stat with no consequential for attacks. Deathlok and Advanced suit does the same. All the while you’re popping upgrades on to build these allies and heal them.

Inspiring Presence, Side by Side and Rally the Troops comes in handy for heals and readies. Command Team I usually save until the final push to ready Venom who by then is swinging for 4 attack. I use Spiderman and his economy to build out, and then defend with him and him only using his backflips, good defence, and his Enhanced Spider Sense to deal with the extra encounter cards that come with having Venom in play. Plus his Swinging Web Kicks are amazing for final pushes.

And just like the game, Call for Backup I keep out and ready to thwart to have Captain America on call to come in, block and then possibly build out as well. Rapid Response is great if you need a block with Venom/Deathlok in a pinch as well. I can’t stress how much fun I’ve had with this deck!

Props out to BoomGuy and AndyR for inspiring me to try building and publishing my own deck for the first time. Their weekly episodes are great. Hope you guys enjoy!