King of the Hill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheBarthMan790 · 32

This is a pretty simple deck, not too different from the Precon, for Maria that just focuses on what she is good at.

The goal is to just keep your board full of supports and never let your main Helicarriers leave the table. When I played this, I spent about 90% of the game in AE.

Get the Iliad out early, camp out in AE, and build up your board so you can flip up to Hero and allocate counters however you want. Once your board is built up, you should never run out of fuel.

Nick Fury is great for extra counters, and you can use your Command Teams to get a great surge of economy out of him. Call For Backup can help you find Nick faster.

Build Support can cheat in a Quincarrier to give you more resources to get as many supports down ASAP.

All of the events in this deck are fantastic, and Kaluu can help you find the one you need.

Agent 13 and Victoria Hand can ready up your big supports once they have a lot of extra counters.


Feb 23, 2025 Man-is-Obsolete · 6415

Agent 13 + command team is a great addition to the precon!

Build Support isn’t so bad either ;P