Card draw simulator
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NotParadox · 33
The goal is to thin the deck by playing all the supports and upgrades, tuck 3 of Domino's hero events under The painted lady. Then the only cards left in the deck will be Jackpot, 2 hero events and Mutant Mayhem.
Endgame, you draw 5 cards of the 6, use avengers mansion which draws your whole deck and has nothing in the discard. You will use jackpot to cast mutant mayhem on Beast and Nick Fury (who will have xforce recruit. This bounces them both to hand. Jackpot, Mutant Mayhem and Xforce recruit goes to discard and is shuffled in. You can then replay nick fury drawing your deck again, you can use the jackpot if you want, but it isn't needed. You can replay Beast and not find anything. cast xforce recruit back on nick fury and attack with beast and nick fury, then mutant mayhem and repeat the combo. If you mess up the ordering you have extra mutant mayhems and jackpot can be used first then pulled for free by Beast.
This goes infinite. If you don't like the infinite win. You can still just do a lot of damage by letting jackpot be the only card in deck, this means everytime it is milled from the top it will go back on top. Meaning Sharpshooter + Domino's Pistols will do 6 damage each. Outlaw will do 4 damage and Diamond Back will do 3 damage to all enemies, then domino with prob field will do 5 damage. Totaling 24 damage. That is if you don't want to show the infinite. .
To not be useless early/midgame there are a few combos just to keep things decent.
Sharpshooter + Domino's Pistols are solid for clearing up minions.
Xforce Recruit, Uncanny Xforce and Danger Room Training allows for minions to thwart for free and thwart for +2.
This allows you to still help your team with stuff midgame as your thin your deck.
Getting the Painted Lady and tucking Domino's events will be the trickiest part of the deck, so try to get Painted Lady early so you can use Domino's effect once a turn to guarantee they are discarded from the top.
Mar 04, 2025 |
Mar 05, 2025
"Jackpot, Mutant Mayhem and X-force recruit goes to discard and is shuffled in"
I might be just be idiot, but I'm not seeing how Mutant Mayhem and X-Force Recruit get shuffled back to redraw, just Jackpot.