They Were Expendable. Leadership/Hawkeye

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pickles · 32

Other people want to mess with shiny new size changer I see the Antman pack and want to mess with blue cards.

This is the leftovers deck from Some Assembly Required. It uses leadership and while it shares a couple of cards with the other deck both are playable with one playset of cards.

It is the standard ally swarm from leadership. Allies are really good value especially if they act a couple of times then soak up a hit from the Villain. This serves to make cheap allies better value as soaking up a hit is usually worth more to you than whatever the basic action of the ally would be.

This deck seeks to capitalise on that by playing all the cheapest allies and ways to recur them. It is trying out the new super bargain allies Ant-Man and Stinger from Antman as they slot nicely into the top of the Leadership power curve behind Maria Hill. Where then is Maria Hill? Well I am also trying for the zillionth time to make Avengers work. Avengers Tower is just about worth it in this deck. It is probably not worth it alongside The Triskelion as they are expendable remember so it's hard to get 4 allies in play let alone 5.

The allies are all useful - the 2 cost ones mainly thwart/attack then jump under a villain. Ant-Man is very good because he can be played for whatever you can afford - even 0 if you have Team Training out. He is one of only two with 2 thwart which is really nice to have. Black Knight has an ability that is very handy occasionally and u.s.agent is good for tanking low attack minions or soaking indirect damage. Both are stellar when that comes into play but mostly so so .


Hawkeye supports your ally swarm by shooting everything. He wants to fire one arrow a turn and smack something for 3. This is made easier by Hawkeye's Quiver and Expert Marksman - very cheap cards to get into play so he sets up in one pass through his deck. Sometimes you have to play 2 arrows in a turn. This is rarely efficient as the opportunity cost is 3 damage but efficiency is not the only metric. He may even thwart for 1 on sad occasions. Having a quiver and 2 marksmanship in play lets you dedicate the rest of your cards to playing out more mooks.

The disadvantage of using Hawkeye to support your team is that you cannot play the ally version which is amazingly good in some situations. Other heroes to support this swarm are, well any really it, covers all the bases. It is helpful to use a hero who has manifest weaknesses rather the one who can carry the world themselves.

Bad Cards

Team Training, Rapid Response, The Triskelion, Strength In Numbers, Avengers Assemble!. These do not get played much - Team Training actually makes your guys less expendable :O . I might try something else.

Really Maria Hill should be in there and the Avengers theme quietly forgotten.