Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Biggie · 1

Like many, Hulk has been an interesting (though frustrating) puzzle to figure out. I believe he has many excellent cards in his pool, but is greatly hindered by his small hand size. So I built an off-meta leadership deck that is built to keep cards out of Hulk's deck on to the board that enable him to do multiple things during his turn to capitalize on his big offensive potential. Thanks to Ant-Man's addition of 2 very cheap allies (Stinger and Ant-Man [Hank Pym]) as well as Call for Aid to tutor out Avenger allies, the deck has become even more efficient than the original I had constructed, so I figured it was time to share.

The gist of the deck is play Avenger Allies, equip them with Sky Cycles and Inspired (Wonder Man is the priority for the Inspired, but Iron Man and Ant-Man are secondary targets) and use 0-cost cards like Strength in Numbers, Teamwork, and Earth's Mightiest Heroes to let Hulk draw cards, increase his basic attack (or even thwart in a pinch), and ready multiple times a turn. In an ideal fully-built board, Hulk has 14 cards (4 allies, 5 ally upgrades, 2 hero upgrades, and 3 supports) out of his deck. Of the 26 remaining cards, 3 are card draw (up to 4), 5 are double or triple resources, 8 are signature events, 3 are stat boosts, 5 are readies, and only 2 are complete duds (Call for Aid) but importantly are fist resources. This allows Hulk to have some bonkers turns, but it does take some time to build, so this is likely best suited for multi-player situations.

Some other fun cards you might want to consider are Ready for Action to allow your 4 allies to become occasional blockers, Lead from the Front for a big ally turn, Avengers Assemble for a bigger ally turn, Rapid Response to keep an ally on the board, and Giant-Man for a bigger Teamwork boost.

Hope you all enjoy it as much as I have.