Black Panther - Wakanda Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Black Panther - Wakanda Forever On Loop 66 50 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

XDarkAngelX · 8

My version of Black Panther "draw your deck with Strength in Numbers" deck. I've beat every Standard scenario up to Wrecking Crew with this.

I dislike Emergency (-1 Threat? meh...) so replaced them with an extra Make the Call and slotted in Endurance to make the deck even thinner. Because of Vibranium Suit you'd rather have extra HP than +REC, as it gives you an added buffer and +2 REC vs +3 HP only starts pulling its weight once you Recover at least twice, which I've not had happen. This may change once I try it out in Expert.

Morningbird became Hawkeye, because he's an Avenger, he kills minions and makes Power of Leadership better. I like her better in a build that seeks to stunlock with Make the Call rather than keep allies around.