4 players Justice Ant-Man vs Heroic Rhino Power Drain

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Arkhan · 7

Hi all,

Me and my 3 brothers played all villain's on expert so far, so we decided to up our game and we started our heroic journey. First villain's was of course Rhino, who gave us some problem in Heroic. The main problem we had facing Rhino on heroic was the amount of lethal attack he could make. Charge with gang up, assault and stampede quickly add up.

Our team this week was :

Protection Captain America Leadership Black Panther Justice Ant-Man Aggression Ms. Marvel

The job of Ant-Man was to control Thwart as much as possible, which he did quite well. Nothing special.