Orange Slices (Ant-Man Aggro)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vidsurfer · 2

I typically play duo with a friend, who is big on his Dr. Strange Protection deck. I really wanted to try Ant-Man out in a way that doesn't compete with cards in my other decks. (Spider-Man Leadership, Thor Justice, Spider-Woman Protection/Aggression). Spider-Woman has my 0-cost red attacks, so I decided on Aggro but chose to focus on the bigger hits. That led to me to focus on Giant-Man.

Combat Training and Giant Strength will make for 6 ATK turns.
Using Martial Prowess to fund Wrist Gauntlets and Drop Kick, I'll try to keep the Villain stunned. I can almost never get the confuse off with the gauntlets, though. Piercing Strike for getting through Tough. Chase Them Down and the combo of Army of Ants with Hive Mind will give me some THW ability. The ants would allow me to use my 2 THW in Tiny mode while still dishing damage. Swarm Tactics may get the cut. I just want to see how it feels with only the ally Wasp.

There's not a lot of Ant-Man decks out here yet, so I thought I'd lay out my own while I'm testing it to see if we can get some feedback going. Please let me know your thoughts.


Dec 30, 2020 Mammonite · 1

Wrist Gauntlets aren't an attack event and don't work with Martial Prowess.