Ant-Man - Formicidae Defender

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Beardy_McMarvel · 1396

In his Giant form Ant Man has 3 DEF and can heal with Ant Man’s helmet. Boosting this with Armoured vest and Desper We are gonna leverage this with energy Barrier, electro static armor, unflappable, armored vest and desperate defence means defending a hit of 6 is pretty routine, and being able to ready means you can carry on doing your thing!

So that you can block, ready, and draw a card in the villain stage and still be able to do crazy stuff in the player phase.

Clea will recycle over and over taking hits and I chucked in Iron fist to stun. I prefer him to Mockingbird, I knew he costs more, but for that extra cost you get 2 stuns, 2 x 1 damage and is usual ATK or THW of 2 and 1. I think its worth the investment!

This works ok as a solo deck, bit slow to be honest, but works great in Multiplayer! Enjoy!