Ant-Man aggro

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Devo · 1

Lotta stun, little or no alter-ego.

With this Ant Man stun deck you may not have to switch back to alter-ego the whole game. Between Mockingbird, drop kicks and blockers, you can basically ignore the villain until you get your wrist gauntlets out. The the deck is packed with resources to stun. When side schemes drop you should have little trouble knocking them out. The card priorities are : helmet, gauntlets, army of ants, quincarrier, basically in that order. You'll find that attacking the villain is almost an after-thought. Between the army of ants and switching back forth from giant to tiny you will whittle away the villain without really trying. After your 1st pass through your deck, you can begin the giant stomping. It can generate more than 25 points of damage in a single turn.


Jan 13, 2021 Devo · 1

This deck is not the strongest, but it's plain fun. Expert is usually a win. notable wins so far, Rhino heroic 1, Klaw heroic 1, let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions.