Quicksilver Sunrise

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
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adsarf · 333

My take on a green Quicksilver deck.

So the first question was what defence events to take. I feel that a cost zero card like Expert Defense, or a card like Side Step that uses is not really getting the best out of Friction Resistance. That leads me to Never Back Down and Preemptive Strike. Never Back Down is a little ticklish in practice, since DEF 3 (with Armored Vest and Accelerated Reflex) is a little low to be sure of getting the stun and triggering Unflappable, but it is such a good card when it does come off (in a turn when you have played Maximum Velocity for instance) that it is worth the spot. Desperate Defense would have value in multiplayer, allowing Quicksilver to defend even more and get more value out of Electrostatic Armor, but in solo the value is limited except possibly in minion-heavy scenarios.

Armored Vest, Electrostatic Armor, and Unflappable choose themselves here, and don't need much discussion.

For allies, I really like Multiple Man so far. Played early he gives me three blocks, which is a lot of time to build up the board and place the upgrades which are critical to defending successfully with Quicksilver. Friction Resistance is the only card I would prioritise higher in the early game. After the first deck run he is three dead cards, but the early game is so crucial that I don't mind this at all. The other allies are also essentially cheap blockers who can add a little useful thwarting.

The value of Med Team is worth discussing. In some ways Energy Barrier would be a more obvious choice. It would deal more damage, support Unflappable and help get the stun effect on Never Back Down more often. My main reason for not using it here is that all three of my copies are in my Captain America deck https://marvelcdb.com/deck/view/87449. Med Team heals Scarlet Witch, and can help minimise the need to flip to alter ego, which is a big deal in solo play. With the right cards in hand Quicksilver can thwart for some huge numbers, but without that lucky draw it can be difficult to get back in front after the villain has had a turn to scheme. An option would be to drop the Quincarrier (on the grounds that Friction Resistance is just so wonderful it is hardly needed), and make room for two of each.

The other potential inclusion is Iron Fist. He would stun the villain allowing Quicksilver to defend against minions and guarantee the extra card from Unflappable, but for the moment I prefer the cheaper allies.

The thing that honestly surprised me about Quicksilver is how quickly the drip of damage from his basic attacks adds up. Double Time is underwhelming as an attack event and when I first put this deck together I doubted that I could actually do enough damage to clear minions and beat the villain but so far that has never been an issue.