Wasp Leadership - The Proletariat & The Bourgeoisie

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AxeUnknown · 143

The goal of this Wasp deck is to build certain allies (Giant-Man, Ronin, Iron Man, Vision, Scott Lang's Ant-Man) into killing machines that are protected by the defensive capabilities of Giant Wasp and the chump blocking of our second-tier allies (Ironheart, Mockingbird, Stinger, Hank Pym's Ant-Man). This build can produce turns of 12 damage from Giant-Man & Vision, and turns of 10 damage from Ronin & Scott Lang's Ant-Man. Iron Man can produce 8 damage in a turn while saving 3 resources to get fully upgraded. A hand of five drawn by Giant Wasp with all supports on the field could play Iron Man, fully upgrade his damage output, and produce 8 damage in the turn he was played. Add a reinforced suit on the next turn and with team training on the field you will enjoy that output for a solid 3 turns.

Having Nadia supported by Hank, Scott, Raz, and Cassie feels very thematic. Having Tony in there to keep everyone in line is icing on the cake.

I kept Power of Leaderships out of the deck because of the high number of 1-cost leadership cards, but an argument could be made for including them.

I have only tested this deck in solo play, but it should work just fine in multiplayer situations.

Solo Encounters Beaten:

-Crossbones (Expert, Legions of Hydra, Hydra Patrol, Weapon Master)

-Absorbing Man (Expert, Hydra Patrol)

-Taskmaster (Expert, Weapon Master)

-Zola (Expert, Under Attack)