Hulk Smash!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AlphaRed · 55

Hulk is a truly horrible hero—and his severe limitations here mean you really have to focus him.

Based on the packs I have, everything here is geared towards smashing the opponent as quickly and efficiently as possible. That means nearly zero resource cards. If you can't win in 5 turns, you won't win at all—everything must go on dealing damage as quickly as possible.

You want to flip from puny Banner to Hulk on turn 1 and never flip back. With a hand size of 4, this deck focuses on cards that cost 1 or 3, seeing as you will only ever be able to play one 3-cost card or two 1-cost cards per turn. I only break the rule for Chase Them Down, as its the essential card for helping to remove threat, Hulk's biggest weakness.