Hulk Defenders

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TrueBeliever · 1

Pair with Dr. Strange Justice for the full Defenders experience! I tried to get as many Physical resources out of the Protection aspect as I could since hulks deck needs as much as you can. The few that I couldn't are just really hard for me to drop from my Protection decks. After more playtesting and input I'll have a better idea how to tighten it up.

With 3 Def and 3 Atk Hulk can really go either way here. Start off Defending until you get some allies out there so you can get in a few big swings before your Upgrades drop and you increase your Def and gain some Retaliates. Cage and Fist are incredible for Def allowing Hulk to Smash. This deck can be very aggressive for Protection. You can smash until you have your Armor and Barrier, Defend until they run out of counters and go back to smashing!