Odinson Avenger Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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LeBroski · 7

Thor deck full of avenger allies.


Apr 22, 2021 turtles04 · 756

How's this play. I haven't seen a Thor leadership deck. Interesting.

Apr 22, 2021 LeBroski · 7

I just posted an updated version where I swapped Black Knight for Vision, but here's the general idea:

Use Mjolnir early on as energy as much as possible to get cheap allies, Quinjet or Avengers Tower out as quick as possible. I like to try to save a Quinjet for Giant Man when possible, but once you have Avengers Tower and both God Of Thunder cards down, cost becomes less of an issue. Vision synergizes very well here due to the metric ton of Energy in this deck which can definitely help with some threat mitigation. And combo Ronin with Sky Cycle and Power gloves for big plays. I tend to save Hammer Throws until mid game due to constantly throwing the hammer for cost, and Lighting Strikes for late game.

Apr 22, 2021 turtles04 · 756

Interesting. I like how Thor plays but I almost never play Leadership with any hero.