The Power of Antgression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RockPalmero · 1

Starting out with deckbuilding, so I would consider this a beginner deck. I think three of the best things about Ant-Man are:

  1. Switching forms for instant effects.
  2. Dealing tons of damage with giant Ant-Man's basic attack.
  3. Getting the wrist gauntlets on and stunning the villain as much as possible.

The aggression cards are mostly used to support that big basic attack. Combat Training and Skilled Strike directly improve the basic attack. The aggression allies combine with Earth's Mightiest Heroes to give ant-man an extra attack. Tenacity can do the same thing. Beat 'Em Up is used to ping Tough status off of the villain. Team-Building Exercise helps get the allies out along with some other ant and avenger cards.

I didn't want to leave Ant-Man without any thwart powers, so I included Chase Them Down.

Press the Advantage relies on the gauntlets and Spider-Girl to get some additional card draw.

I'll start doing some testing and share the results here.