

Coût: 3.

Ressource : inclinez Pepper Potts → générez les ressources de la carte du dessus de votre pile de défausse.

"Vaque à tes occupations. Je m'occupe du reste."
Boîte de base #33. Iron Man #7.
Pepper Potts
FAQs (taken from the official FAQ or FFG's responses to the official rules question form)

Q: Does Pepper Potts generate 2 resources if a card with 2 printed resources (such as Energy, Genius, or Strength) is on top of the discard pile?

A: Yes. Pepper Potts generates a number of resources that are equal in quantity and type to the resources on the top card of the discard pile. -(Official FAQ)

Q: Will Pepper Potts generate 2 resources if a “The Power of [Aspect]” resource card (such as The Power of Aggression) is on top of the discard pile?

A: No. Though the resources that Pepper Potts generates are equal in quantity and type to the resources of the top card of the discard pile, Pepper Potts is the card that is generating these resources. This means that a The Power of [Aspect] card never generates resources itself, having no opportunity to generate additional resources for a card of its specified aspect. -(Official FAQ)

Q: Can Pepper Potts generate the resources of a card that is currently being spent?

A: No. Resources are generated simultaneously, meaning the spent card will not be on top of the discard pile at the time Pepper Potts uses her ability. -(Official FAQ)

Last updated

This card is similar to Helicarrier, but strictly superior for two reasons. 1) It is not an action, which means it can be used during the Villain phase if needed. 2) It gives you a typed resource. Obviously, when playing Iron Man you should be paying close attention to the order in which you discard your cards. This has all kinds of synergies, with powering your Rocket Boots to go aerial being the most obvious within your hero deck. For extra fun, discard a Tech Upgrade from hand with the desired resource type to pay for a card. Activate Pepper Potts to take the resource, then add it back to your hand using Stark Tower.

FreqKing · 25
Also, once pepper is down, any turn in which you draw a 2 resource card (genius, strength, energy) you get to use that card to generate resources twice — WillPovey · 2
Great review. It’s ok for it to be strictly better than Helicarrier since it’s a hero card, but technically Helicarrier has one big advantage: it can be used for another player. Pepper can’t generate resources for a friend. — KingOfRohan · 5623
Yes good point — FreqKing · 25