

Coût: 2.

Utilisations (3 jetons Mouchard). (Entre en jeu avec 3 jetons. Quand il n'y en a plus, défaussez cette carte.)

Action : retirez 1 jeton Mouchard de l'Équipe de Surveillance et inclinez-la → retirez 1 menace d'une manigance.

Boîte de base #64.
Équipe de Surveillance

I know that there is a typical desire to rate something based on the statistics alone. This card will provide you with three threat removal for 2 resources. It won't provide you with all that threat removal at once. So in comparison to For Justice! it will affect the game in a similar manner.

For Justice! is a burst threat removal, and this is a trickle threat removal. They are both great cards in the Justice aspect. They are both situational. When the threat on a card is getting out of control, this card will help a little bit, but what you are really looking for is For Justice! instead of Surveillance Team.

But, I actually like Surveillance Team a little bit better because there is really no bad time to play it. You could have the threat already under control and you have to sit on For Justice! or decide to just use it as a resource. Where this card is playable at any moment to help out. It's a perfect card for when you want to sit in hero form for a long period of time. You can just keep removing that placed threat in the first part of the villain phase for several turns and keep fighting.

But just to be clear, I like to include three copies of both For Justice! and Surveillance Team as they are both great cards.

Bronze · 276
Surveillance team's value has been boosted by the Sinister Motives release of Monica Chang and Homeland Intervention. — MightySchoop · 38