

Coût: 2.

Action de héros (attaque) : infligez 3 dégâts à un ennemi. Cette attaque gagne Perçant. (Défaussez toute carte d'état Tenace de la cible avant d'infliger les dégâts.)

L'Avènement de Crâne Rouge #44.
Coup Perçant


  • Recap: I like calculating at; 2 Damage per 1 Resource. 1 Thwart per 1 Resource. Piercing is worth 1 resource.
  • Total Cost: 3 Resources.
  • Goal: 6 Damage or 4 Damage + Piercing
  • Actual Value: 3 Damage + Piercing
  • Summary: 3 Damage + Piercing equates to 2.5 resources worth of value (less than ideal).


In my opinion, this is a total counter-play card. If you know you're going up against a Villain who spams Toughness a lot, this is a card to grab. Alternatively, if there's ever some kind of build that allows you to add Toughness to enemies for some kind of huge benefit, this would also be a good card to grab for that.

If you're running a Hero who has only 1 ATK or lacks powerful Attack events, this card loses some additional value. In the sense that, you would want to use this card first to allow your Hero to follow-up with a big attack; whether that's a high basic ATK or an Attack event card.

As it is, you could spend 1 extra resource for Uppercut. Or, play Drop Kick and get arguably better results more often than not. For that reason, I'm not super stoked by this card. It's a below-average niche performer. It'll have its moments, but I think you're better off with slotting other more consistent attack events.

RolandWright · 3135
2 Damage per 1 Resource is only on hero cards and dropkick. A 1.5+ dpr is considered great. Uppercut has 1.25 so this is better - with relentless assault's minion only rule as +1 resource, it would have the same value. — zephyr100 · 25
As I said, I like calculating it at 1 for 2. If others want to be more liberal with how they value damage, that's on them. I further agree with my assessment based on the fact than anything under 1 for 2 feels like absolute trash. — RolandWright · 3135
I wonder how it stacks up after adding honed technique. Is it worth it then vs Uppercut (5 dmg + piercing @ cost 2 vs 9 damage @ cost 3)? (assuming HT cuts Dropkick out, which I haven't looked at) — Revan3421 · 1
This card has a bit extra value in Honed Technique builds because you're generally looking to play high cost events that deal a lot of damage, which is problematic against the tough condition. Of course you can knock it off with your hero's attack, but your hero action often has more value than just knocking a tough off. Although this card is slightly below rate, it can be worth playing at 1- or 2-of in order to shore up the weaknesses of the HT archetype. — StrayMerle · 1