

Coût: 3.

Action de héros (attaque) : infligez 4 dégâts à un ennemi. Si vous n'avez utilisé que des ressources pour payer cette carte, sonnez cet ennemi et piochez une carte.

"Tout casser est ce que Hulk fait le mieux !" — Hulk
Hulk #14.
Coup de Pied Tombé

This is a stand out aggression card, a highlight in any deck capable of including it. There aren't many good aggression attack events, but this one is an exception as long as you are running a “fist” deck that can reliably trigger it. It can even be better than your hero-specific attack events. The only limitation is that you can only stun the villain once per turn, so the more players you have the greater the chance you both want to stun the opponent and end up interfering with each other.

cnalexander · 144
So how would this card work on someone with stalkwart I wonder. You don't draw 1 card because you don't stun the enemy? but you do give him a stun count...does that count?er... — Kageshira · 1
You still draw the card. There's no arrow between "stun that enemy" and "draw one card" that would make the stunning a requirement. The same is true if you defeated the enemy. — MightySchoop · 38

This is the type of card design that it is honestly frustrating, if not full on infuriating, that the devs can't emulate more of. Cards that do a little bit less than if you don't have the correct resources or traits, but then get pushed to a much higher level if you DO use those resources or have those traits.

Considering most of the heroes with Aerial don't have it always, cards like Get Over Here! and Crisis Interdiction should be the general formatting for a dozen aspect event cards at this stage, and yet we have 1 aspect card and 1 hero card.

I can't even think of another card with Drop Kick formatting (which is different, but not dissimilar, from For Justice!) and yet this game could do with 11-15 more and be all the better for it. And this is why "player bitching" needs to be more sensible then it has been at times. The good parts of the Hulk pre-con seem to have thrown in the garbage bin with the rest of it due to absolutist "It all sucks" speech that surrounded the pack

Let's extract more of the good design aspects from these packs. In particular since this pack is no longer going to be printed.

Earth Dragon · 1588