
Sort. Contre.

Coût: 2.

Action de héros (contre): choisissez une manigance → retirez 3 menaces de cette manigance et regardez la carte du dessus du deck Rencontre. Pour chaque icône de boost sur cette carte, retirez 1 menace supplémentaire de la manigance choisie.

Docteur Strange #3. Docteur Strange #2-3.
Projection Astrale

Occasionally you'll only get 3 threat removal out of this, which is a little disappointing for the cost. Most of the time you should get at least 4 (acceptable rate) and not infrequently you'll get 5+ (fantastic).

In addition, you also get a peek at the encounter deck. This may tell you what the next villain boost/encounter card is going to be, which will help you defend efficiently. If you don't like the card, you can clear it out with Cosmo, or if it's a small boost maybe you want to give it to Spider-Ham or Havok.

Fry · 256