A great option for Iron Man. She'll get you a Repulsor Blast, which can be your most powerful card if your deck is set up well for it, and her ability to inherit your traits lets her benefit from Avenger-specific strategies like Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Avengers Tower, Avengers Assemble!, or equipping her with the Power Gloves, which willl not only boost her damage but increase your hand size while she remains in play.
Coût: 4.
Health: 3.
Attack: 2.
Thwart: 2.
Hope Summers gagne chaque TRAIT de votre identité.
Réponse : après avoir joué Hope Summers de votre main, cherchez une carte SUPER-POUVOIR dans votre deck et ajoutez-la à votre main. (Mélangez.)
NeXt Evolution #204.

- Hope Summers NeXt Evolution #130