This is a versatile card for exactly the right cost and currently the only Justice aspect card that stuns, which makes it another good tool in a confuse-lock deck that Justice is capable of. You might say the need to do a basic attack is awkward in Justice, but since this is in a deck that confuses regularly, you are much more free to use your basic activations as attacks rather than thwarts. This is great for the Float Like a Butterfly deck, which wants both ways to confuse and to attack frequently. If you are playing Psylocke, don't forget this is a Skill you can search up with Training Regimen. A simple and effective card! (against non steady/stalwart villains)
Coût: 1.
Réponse de héros : après que votre héros a effectué une attaque de base et blessé un ennemi, désorientez cet ennemi. Si cet ennemi est déjà désorienté, sonnez-le à la place.
Psylocke #15.
