Thor agro 2.0 4.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bagofdicks · 7

test testing testing


Jun 09, 2021 wehehe · 222

I'm also testing Thor in a very similar deck. Having two weapons you can consider Mean Swing , as you'll always be able to activate it (mainly with Mjolnir, as it rarelly wil be useful with Godslayer)

I can understand why are you using Bug... but I'd suggest to try how Wasp works for you. God of Thunder really help to play them with a decent number of counters.

Also... are you using this for solo or multiplayer?. If for solo... do you tend to activate "Have at thee" so many times in a game? I'm playing two copies of Looking for Trouble to be able to use it more regularly. Maybe it is not needed if you are focusing in multiplayer.