Hawkeye Fun & Games Until Someone Loses an Eye (Healer Build

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tuark · 115

I love Hawkeye's kit, a basic attack of 3 and shooting an arrow almost every round just feels good.

After you get through his deck once and can get his basic kit on the table for the low cost of only 3 resources. Your saving arrows and firing an arrow for free every turn.

I never felt like firing a second arrow was all that great with his basic attack of 3 being good enough, so that leaves me with 4 to 6 cards in my hand after 1 arrow. (4 if you fire an arrow from hand, 5 if you fire from Hawkeye's Quiver, 6 if you have Avengers Mansion.)

So this build focuses on Beefing up Hawkeye with Down Time and Endurance as cheap upgrades that allow him to stay in the fight a bit longer. Combined with Momentum Shift and Preemptive Strike He doesn't have to flip down as often and when he does he comes right back up full health.

Once you get yourself rolling you can also start helping your team with Med Team, First Aid, and The Night Nurse.

Black Widow Combined with Quincarrier allows you to skip ANY encounter card and can be a major game changer.

The Allies in the deck make for good blockers keeping you and your team alive even longer.

The idea here is to keep you and your team up as much as possible, you may not be the biggest hitter on the team but keeping the big hitters from flipping down can speed you to a win.