Klaw Heroic 2: Captain America (3 of 3)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 441

The Road to KLAW Heroic 3

Anyone else using Covid-quarantine to chase the FFG Challenge of beating Klaw Heroic 3?

I've been working up decks that can consistently tackle KLAW Heroic 2 to see if those decks can make the leap to Heroic 3.

I'm using a single set of cards, so I'm focusing on 3 player/hand/identity games.

Play this deck alongside the Spider-man and Captain America decks I've also posted with the same title format.

https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/1052/klaw-heroic-2-iron-man-1-of-3-1.0 https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/1050/klaw-heroic-2-spider-man-2-of-3-1.0

What's new here?

For this trio of decks, this one will feel the most like a regular deck. Block most Klaw attacks when you don't have Shield Block. Dizzy and Daze when you can't play an ally. Thwart as much as you can.

What to do with Steve's Apartment

Playing this is a much lower priority than normal games. It's fine to skip it all together. If the circumstances arise to play it, it makes your obligation's 2nd option a nice way to dig in your deck for an ally.

Get Buffed

The first Heroic Intuition goes on Iron Man. The 2nd one is for you. You are knelt from blocking half the time anyway.

No Fear Cavalier

Daredevil is your Ride-or-Die ally here. Everyone else is a glorified blocker. Let SP Inspire him to 3 THW and keep clearing all Tough status cards with his ability.

Minion Strategy The minions for Claw are small so I like that Concussive Blow kills them off. I can see a case for -1 of it and +1 Tenacity if that's more your style.

GL HF With the scheme threats under control and blockers for days, your team can start bringing the damage to Klaw. I hope this 3 hero team and this take on Captain America is fun as you slog out tough wins vs KLAW Heroic 2... and maybe even 3!