Hel's Kitchen

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KingOfRohan · 4336

Summon Mjolnir with Odinson's Worthy ability, use it as a resource every turn for as many turns as possible.

For example:

Turn 1: Summon Mjolnir, use it as a resource to play Heimdall, switch to Thor. Turn 2: Switch to Odinson, summon Mjolnir, use it as a resource to play Daredevil.

Keep doing this until you play Mjolnir on a switch-to-Thor turn, then have a turn like this: Play Hammer Throw, use Mjolnir as a resource, switch to Odinson, summon Mjolnir, use it as a resource again. Then play summon Mjolnir the next turn and use or play it again.

The deck uses very few events and hero actions, and it does use a lot of allies and 1-cost upgrades, optimizing the use of Mjolnir as a resource. You only ever want to actually play Mjolnir to use or set up to use a Hammer Throw, or when you desperately need Thor to swing for 3 damage.

Make liberal use of Lockjaw of course! You'll want Asgard or Avengers Mansion as soon as possible, of course, but the use of Mjolnir as a resource allows you to focus first on accomplishing key early objectives like playing an ally for threat removal.

Have fun! Welcome to Hel's Kitchen!


May 19, 2020 Scion0110 · 1296

Ok I like what I see. Let's start from the top. Just because of the nature of how Thor plays I like endurance and downtime.

May 19, 2020 Scion0110 · 1296

The three followed imo is too many. Typically just from experience it's hard to have followed play it on a side scheme and then defeat the side scheme. I like a one of or even a two of followed if you really like it but probably not three.

May 19, 2020 Scion0110 · 1296

The one under surveillance is fine here. Thor is a combat heavy character by nature, but I still like it in there as a one of. Now we get to the allies. I like Nick, Daredevil, Jessica, mockingbird, obviously lady sif has to go in. Heimdall and lockjaw are suspect the more you crank up the difficulty. I like both of them so if I was playing in lower difficulty like normal expert go for it. Anything above that run two first aid in that spot imo.

May 19, 2020 Scion0110 · 1296

Interrogation room as a two of is great Thor's job is minion clearing so getting that into play is like Thor's version of heroic intuition. I also don't know about three of surveillance team. Maybe just two. That way you will still see it but you don't see it too much and not be able to play it

May 19, 2020 Scion0110 · 1296

And now for what I would add back in those 2-3 spots. I would 100% add in three for justice. The card is great. Has a great return for the cost and most importantly you get to play it with power of justice. My cutoff for running two power of justice In the deck is 9 cards that it can play. Prior to my suggested changes I count seven which means if you don't want to play for justice then I would drop one power of justice. Concussive blow is great too even as a two of so if you are playing in a group you can flip to hero mode concussive blow and allow them to flip down and heal then next turn you can switch back because they should be ready to go. Sorry to type so much but I like what I see.

May 20, 2020 KingOfRohan · 4336

Great feedback.

I definitely felt three Followed is one too many, I’ll drop one for For Justice. I get great use out of Surveillance Team but could def drop one for For Justice. I’m realizing I simply don’t use Heroic Intuition, so I think I’d switch that for For Justice as well.

I’m a huge Concussive Blow fan normally but I don’t know if it fits... I might try one in place of Heimdall, but he’s so far pretty well justified his place in the deck.

I can’t part with Lockjaw, though! He’s so handy to play from the discard pile when you need to thwart or attack and don’t quite have what you need in your hand, and since he’s four cost he perfectly uses Thor’s hero hand from discard. I’ve grown to think of him as Thor’s dog... I need to know more about who he actually is, haha.

Thanks again for the feedback, I’m excited to try these changes!

May 20, 2020 Scion0110 · 1296

A lot of the changes you would make is based on what villain you are playing against and if you are solo or not. For example emergency is not great with four people but insane solo. If you try this solo or with two some amount of concussive blows are crucial. In the end it's all about preference as well.

May 20, 2020 KingOfRohan · 4336


I think there’s a lot of deck design possibility in specifically teaming up two heroes and really crafting their decks to complement each other. I can see from your “no aspect” decks you like theory crafting, I definitely would be interested to see what you come up with trying to make interesting hero combinations with decks specifically designed for each other (I tried to do something like this with recent Thor and Black Panther decks, both Aggression).

May 20, 2020 Scion0110 · 1296

I originally made no aspect because me and my roommate have three other friends who play so for the sake of not getting tied up in playing the same unique cards I started running the no aspect deck. It's actually really good. It hones in on getting its own pieces like mansion, helicarrier, downtime, endurance, lockjaw and Heimdall. Then it churns through the deck playing haymaker, and swinging web kick almost every turn. I have done 31 damage in one turn with the Spiderman version of that deck in one turn

May 20, 2020 KingOfRohan · 4336

Haha, that's amazing!

May 20, 2020 Scion0110 · 1296

I would recommend it but make sure you have someone who can thwart a lot or play against a villain who doesn't scheme much because the deck tops out at like nine thwart. It really shines against klaw and rhino

May 20, 2020 KingOfRohan · 4336

I just published a 2.0 version of this Thor deck. I love the changes, I hope you get a chance to try it out! marvelcdb.com