Hulk Greenwasher

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Alexin · 205

Focused on damage dealing, as it should be. I try compensate on Hulk´s flaw (lack of cards and planification) with Hall of Heroes. Normally I will change forms every turn, so I can draw more cards with Bruce and access quicker to upgrade and support cards. Also, changing into Hulk with 5 cards rather than 4, increase my chances to play better attacks. I included two Surprise Attackto capitalise on this. Initially I had two copies of The Power of Aggression but I swapped one by a copy of Looking for Trouble as I only have 8 cards that could benefit from The Power of Aggression.

I also try to put many aggression resocurces because a few Hulk´s cards require to pay its cost with aggression resources to obtain some kind of boost.

Best approach is to change every turn and put into play support (first) and upgrade cards as soon as possible. Then, send many souls to the Hall of Heroesand play big Hulk´s turns with it. Enjoy!