Justice, by Any Means - Venom Justice

Card draw simulator

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Derived from
Scarlet Witch Turbo Draw and Build HEROIC clearing 1290 1059 75 1.0
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DoctorWhomst · 390

Holy moly, Venom is good.

I've been using this deck for a couple of weeks now, and I feel like it's ready to see some sunlight. It's got clear roots in the excellent Scarlet Witch deck from L3W15 7, and it feels very similar in power to that deck. So, let's get into the strategy.


Basic has some crazy allies man. Nick Fury, Ironheart, and Mockingbird are all well known for being really good, and the Guardian allies are pretty much signature allies in disguise.

The ally that surprised me most, though, has been Star-Lord. At first glance, he seems not great, giving you an encounter card. However, he's insanely high value. Two resources for 4 thwart/attack and a block is really, really good. Add in the card from Knowledge (more on that later) and he's quite the ally.

Of course, the other Guardians are insane too. Gamora is a free card every time she activates. Groot is a total tank, and Rocket helps with the minions, which could otherwise cause some serious trouble.


This is where Venom's bread and butter is. The meat to his deck. We'll start with his top stuff, the guns.

Venom's Pistols are arguably the most versatile cards in the game. +2 to any stat is highly valuable, giving you the ability to easily go from a bad situation, to having the upper hand in a Flash (see what I did there?)

Of course, the only other card that you could really say is more versatile, at least consistently, is the Multi-Gun. This might be the best card in the game, full stop. The pure versatility of it is bonkers. It makes drawing Shadows of the Past a relative non-issue for you, as you easily barrel through the Raging Symbiotes and take them out in seconds.

Spider-Sense is great too. A free card every turn is amazing, and it combos with another Venom card extremely well, which we will talk about in a moment.

The non-Venom upgrades are standard enough. Skilled Investigator is cards, Under Surveillance is a little more breathing room, despite it's poor scaling, and Endurance is a little wiggle room for damage.

We'll talk about the last one later.


Venom has a really good support, in addition to his strong upgrades. Project Rebirth makes using your basic recovery unnecessary, and can also be a free card in a pinch.

Mansion and Helicarrier are just resources, albeit good ones.

Knowhere is insanely useful, giving card draw and an extra ally slot, freeing up the slot Groot holds all game.


I said that Venom had really great upgrades, but his event cards take him from a solid 9/10, to really just being a total powerhouse.

I said we'd mention that last upgrade here, and the main reason it's in the deck is for Behind Enemy Lines. This event essentially becomes a free confuse any time you need one, allowing you to safely drop to Alter-Ego and heal up.

Savage Attack is a solid card that can be used to deal with minions and still hit the villain, and is just solid value, if not amazing.

Locked and Loaded is excellent early, allowing you to find Multi-Gun ASAP. It obviously loses all value after the first pass or two, but even then, it's a resource.

Run and Gun is arguably overpriced, but I think it's reasonable for the flexibility it gives you. 3 for 6 damage isn't ideal, but it does the trick, and of course it can help immensely with threat.

The two justice events are possibly the two best non ally aspect cards in the game. Card draw for doing what you already want is great, and 3 damage for free is awesome.

And of course, I've saved the best for last. Grasping Tendrils is absolutely insane. Two resources for 2 stuns is crazy value, and as it's an interrupt, it falls in the same timing as Spider-Sense, allowing you to draw a card, then use it to avoid the attack altogether. The double physical requirement isn't a problem either, at least not with Venom's amazing hero ability!

Grasping Tendrils is the best event in the game, and I don't think it's close, outside of Doctor Strange's invocation deck.


This deck, and Venom in general, are crazy good. This deck isn't crazy complicated, but there are some interesting decisions to make, and that's really where Venom should be. The sheer enjoyment of sitting there and blasting baddies in the face is great, and this may be my favorite deck I've ever used.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this description, may the cards be ever in your favor.


Nov 17, 2021 TonnsOfFun · 1

So grasping tendrils can't really be paid for very often until helicarrier is down am I correct in that? Since you can only use venoms ability once per phase I don't see enough consistent ways to have it at first glance. Even though strength and a couple minions could be used for it.