[Outdated] Cybernetic Upgrades

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

VillainTheory · 27842

When Nebula failed, Thanos upgraded her. Now? Nebula becomes the upgrader.

This deck is focused on two strengths that combine beautifully.

1) Strengthening Guardian allies

2) Nebula's techniques.

Specifically? The stronger you make your allies, the more you can use your techniques.

Guardians of the Galaxy - This card is where it all begins. Now? Every time you play an ally upgrade, you get a card. With 13 ally upgrades in your deck? This will draw you a lot of cards. Fish for those techniques!

Honorary Guardian - Wait, did someone say 13 ally upgrades? Oh yeah. Although one of these honorary cards should be played upon your identity so you can trigger Guardians of the Galaxy in Alter-Ego. You're Nebula, you love Alter-Ego.

Comms Implant - Really? 13 ally upgrades?! Yep. As you approach the mid-late game, you should have pretty much all 13 on the board. This is where the magic truly begins to take hold. It thins out your deck so much that you are drawing technique after technique.

Lethal Intent + Band Together = Goodness

Yondu - Everyone loves Yondu. Even Yondu loves Yondu. The problem is tempo. I suggest only bringing Yondu in around the mid-game, cycling your upgrades from one character onto him by chump blocking with someone you've already built-up once they're down to 1 HP. If you can play him earlier? Great. But don't lose the game on threat to play him. Wait until he's in hand with a resource card or two - or better yet? Make the Call!

This deck is very nuanced and takes a lot of decision making. Be careful where you play your upgrades, ideally don't stack Comms Implant and Laser Blaster on the same ally. Good luck out there and let me know what you think!