Get the ammo ready

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Olinho27 · 1

Here's a deck I'm still tweaking from time to time. The idea is to mulligan for Munitions Bunker or stay in alter-ego mode as long as possible in order to work through the deck and pay for that Munitions Bunker. In order to stay in alter-ego, I included cards like Surveillance Team (which I had never used) and Counterintelligence that work brilliantly to mitigate threat. Otherwise, the allies are a good source of thwarting!

Once you have the backbone of any War Machine deck in play, the next cars are Shoulder Cannon and Gauntlet Gun. Iron Man helps with this setup as well.

On average, after 3 turns in alter ego mode, I am usually able to have 1 gauntlet, the cannon and the bunker in play! Then it's game on!

Any cues or advice are gladly welcomed!