Spectrum - Air Supremacy Voltron

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Angelcollector · 106

I build this deck around Air Supremacy, so I included every flying avenger. Then I realized, I want them in game for as long as possible, so I went for the route of attaching upgrades and healing my allies. Air Supremacy is solid and works really well to get rid of pesky minions.

I played the Mad Titan's Shadow Campaign with this deck and this is the version I ended up with in the end and felt the most rounded one. I think, it's gonna to have problems on expert, but on standard this deck can totally take down most villains.

tl;dr: Play an ally (maybe a second one for blocking), buff it up with upgrades and destroy the villain while Air Supremacy keeps the ground clear of minions.