Gamora - Control

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Robtrot · 7

This deck centers around keeping the threat under control. It can do some damage as well when needed. The cost curve is low, so there aren't a bunch of the extra resource cards included. Keen Instincts or Helicarrier are important to start, so you have plenty of resources. There are 30 events to maximize Gamora Alter-ego action. Every time you flip down you should be able to get an extra card. All of the Justice allies can thwart for 2 or more per turn. Rocket Raccoon is a great utility ally for helping keep minions under control, while adding great thwart value to the deck. keeping the threat low and using allies to remove threat will help you maximize cards like Making an Entrance or Clear the Area.