Black Widow - S.H.I.E.L.D. Maiden

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Black Widow - S.H.I.E.L.D. Maiden 0 0 0 1.0

phtephen · 8

The original deck that this is based on originally was Playing Poker with Natasha Romanoff, ( and retains a lot of the same principles of that deck, like staying in Alter-Ego almost the whole game.

This deck can work either MP or Solo. It has plenty of damage with Allies (especially since you can keep them alive with Field Agent) and more than enough threat mitigation to being the only one dealing with it in a two or three player game. It has so much threat reduction, it doesn't even feel legal.

There's also a lot of versality in this deck. The Allies each have their own purpose, although the biggest one you can change out is Quake. Mockingbird could slot into this spot if your team needs more help against a tough villain. I chose Quake as he can do something without taking counters on him, which makes him a useful target for Homeland Intervention

Meditation really helps since your Alter-Ego rarely exhausts unless you need to heal. Being able to bring out Allies cheaper makes a huge difference.

This deck does take time to setup, so you will need to mulligan into things which are useful. Also, this deck originally ran three Espionage, but I found that most of the time they were sitting out in play not doing anything. Yes, they make Winter Soldier cheaper, but with Meditation you don't need that much of a discount.