God of Draw - Symbiote Suit Thor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

chaosof99 · 20

With the release of Sinister Motives, the card most people have been excited about is Symbiote Suit. It is of course a risky card, particularly in solo play where you double up your encounter cards. It is also rather expensive, almost necessitating the inclusion of The Power in All of Us.

The hero I thought could make most of use of it is our friend Thor Odinson. Not only does he very much welcome the increase in hand-size on both his hero and alter-ego sides, but the additional THW as well. Furthermore, he can easily turn the additional encounter cards to his advantage as it strongly increases the likelyhood to hit minions and trigger "Have at thee!", and double-dipping on them with Defender of the Nine Realms and its cousin Looking for Trouble.

The TPIAOU you also want some additional targets it can help pay for as it not going to waste. With this even without increased hand size by the Symbiote or Thor's native Asgard you can cast somewhat expensive cards that increase your cardflow like Nick Fury and Avengers Mansion.

All in all, this package gives you a massive amount of card draw. In testing I had a turn where I started my turn on alter-ego with seven cards (5 base +1 each from Asgard and Symbiote Suit), drew three cards from activating Hall of Heroes, another from Avengers Mansion, flipped to hero, played DotNR to find a minion and draw two more, played Nick Fury for Three more cards, and Ironheart for another. Fifteen cards seen in a single turn. Granted, at that point the villain was waiting for the merciful release of death, but it was impressive nonetheless.