Spectrum Assembles the Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aoshi312 · 1295

Simple premise:

Spectrum has an avengers ally for her signature ally and the aerial trait so I wanted to make a deck focused on avengers and some aerial support.

Strategy: Get as many allies out as possible and abuse strength in number and band together for some massive card draw and resources. Then drop an avengers assemble to crush the competition. You can use air supremacy for minion control.


Apr 18, 2022 celric · 441

You’ll need an Honorary Avenger for Adam Warlock or to swap him with an Avenger ally to get this most out of this concept.

White Tiger and Black Panther could both be good options.


Apr 18, 2022 Aoshi312 · 1295

@celric I use him for the aerial trait mostly and early game, otherwise he eventually gets replaced with avengers. White Tiger is certainly an option! Black Panther is in the deck. Thanks for checking it out!