Ghost Spider for friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jaboliz · 1

This is a multiplayer only deck. Best for 3+ players This deck works only with Villains who have a max ATT of 4.

MULLIGAN Armored Vest Hard to Ignore

BLOCK Your goal is to have 4 DEF asap, so to use all your defense cards blocking for 0 damage. As long as Armored Vest is not on the table you focus on protecting yourself with Defiance and Expert Defense. Web Binding is your last resource. Once you have 4 DEF you can use Desperate Defense to block for a friend and Never Back Down to stun the Villain (DO NOT USE IT WHEN YOU ARE THE FIRST PLAYER, THE STUN IS TO HELP OTHER PLAYERS) You can even use your basic block and then have Spider-Man untap you.

TWHART Not your main job but 3x Hard to Ignore together with Spider-Man means you can twhart for 5 every turn, without counting your random Phantom Flip

ATTACK being a multiplayer deck its really handy if a fellow player gives you Combat Training Once Spider-Man is on the table you can hit for 6 every turn, 9 if you cast either Phantom Flip or Ghost Kick, then you can also randomly deal 6 more damage with Ghost Kick

HOW TO PLAY Block every turn using defense cards so to draw cards with Unflappable and Web-Bracelet, activating also Hard to Ignore You can protect also your friends, minimizing the times they have to switch to alter ego form Spider-Man must be kept alive. thats why we have 2x Med Team he can attack/twhart for 2 and ready Ghost Spider. Brother Voodoo and Jocasta help you when you are in trouble with defense cards, then sacrifice them to block for friends Put Pirouette and Punch under George Stacyfor emergency needs, also the defense card you are going to use, so not to waste 1 draw

Helicarrier in multiplayer is staple