« Buy me some times, I’ll finish the armor »

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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LucRivNor · 96

How to do a good Ironhearth deck?

  • She always have a good DEF stat of 3
  • To level up quickly, she need to —- have a maximum of mental ressource —- switch early to alter ego to use her alter ego ability AND to draw more cards helping leveling up because starting hero hand of 4 hurt a lot

This lead to: a protection deck with lots of symbol caring a lot for Thwart and with some draw to get XP faster.


Early, level 1: Keep her in defense, switch from alter ego to hero form. At this stage, Preservation is your best friend. The Multiple Man will give you some time while tinning your deck while not having XP giver in your hand, of use them as science ressources. Block in defense, Try your best keeping minions at bay and level up early.

Mid game, level 2: Aerial kick in so Ever Vigilant is your best friend with Hard to Ignore to keep Scheme low. At this point, switch to alter ego only if threat is managed enough. Try to level up but don’t rush in as early game and keep control. New and Improved start to worth playing it.

End game, level 3: at this stage, you rock! Stay in hero form with your hand of 6 cards shoot everything with Maximum efficiency ability. Since this is unlimited, try to combo it with Photon Beam to gain max XP. It is the time to swing damage on the Vilain but use XP to hurt him only if you finish him/her.