Burn After Beating

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Logan[CTG] · 6

This deck is built to maximize Nova's incredible tempo-ability, allowing him to draw massive hands while simultaneously wiping the board clean.

Martial Prowess will make all your aggression attacks hit that much harder, which combos with Dive Bomb for massive damage (and board-clearing ability because it slaps minions for 5) as well as Into the Fray to help you keep the main scheme clear much more easily than most aggression builds.

Hall of Heroes is a no-brainer add since Nova always wants to be clobbering minions, and it gives double-benefit to your big Unleash Nova Force turns, because you not only get the draws and readies, but you stack tokens so you can flip down and then start the next turn with 3 extra cards.

Champions Mobile Bunker is a pinch-hitter, not really a great card but it can help you cycle for what you need on your first pass through the deck, as well as letting you dig for the right attacks the second go-round.