Daughters of Thanos - Gamora

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1200

Deck for 2-player with Nebula, see that Justice deck here.

The deck is pretty straightforward, deal damage while having plenty of stuns and confuses. This allows either player to take turns in alter-ego mode to build up resources.

Aggression works well as it gives access to Drop Kick and Press the Advantage to chip away at the villain. The off-aspect cards include 3 Concussive Blow for access to confuse and Momentum Shift to allow you to stay in hero form longer. I found the one copy of Clear the Area useful for a little bit of threat removal that can grab an extra card, but this could be replaced.

A few allies is useful to give a bit more defence, so they are mostly cheaper options.

Playing both Gamora and Nebula together does mean that you lose access to the allies in the hero decks. On the other hand, Daughters of Thanos is amazing and always playable. You also do not have to deal with the Gamora or Nebula nemeses!