Machine Gun Khan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

emilioasis · 1

He armado este mazo para despachar a los molestosos Minions de forma tal que tus compañeros puedas dedicarse a golpear al Villano o quitar amenaza del plan principal sin mayores preocupaciones.

Lo mejor de todo es que con cartas como Into the Fray y Relentless Assault podrás ayudar a tus compañeros en el logro del objetivo sin perder de vista tu principal labor, que es la de eliminar Minions.

Con Hall of Heroes, Endurance, Down Time y el apoyo de tus amigos podrás cambiar a Alter Ego sin sentir que estás siendo penalizado y poder preparar un turno de aquellos.

Honed Technique es quizás la única carta que siento podría ser reemplazada ya que no es obligatoria para el funcionamiento del mazo. Es más que nada un Plus a tu mazo.

Otras cartas que podrían ser parte de este mazo dependiendo de las circunstancias son:

"Bring It!" No Quarter Chase Them Down

Espero que les guste y lo disfruten!


I've put together this deck to dispatch those pesky Minions so that your teammates can focus on beating up the Villain or removing threat from the main scheme without too much concern.

Best of all, with cards like Into the Fray and Relentless Assault you'll be able to help your teammates achieve their goal without losing sight of your main job, which is to eliminate Minions.

With Hall of Heroes, Endurance, Down Time and the support of your friends you will be able to switch to Alter Ego without feeling that you are being penalized and be able to prepare a devastating turn.

Honed Technique is perhaps the only card that I feel could be replaced or removed since it's not mandatory for the deck to work. It is more than anything a Plus to your deck.

Other cards that could be part of this deck depending on the circumstances are:

"Bring It!", No Quarter, Chase Them Down

I hope you like it and enjoy it!
